The High Holiday season begins with Elul, the preparatory month leading up to Rosh Hashanah. This year, Elul begins on the evening of Tuesday, September 3rd. During this month, we have an abundance of offerings to help our bodies and souls land more deeply in this moment, as we begin to turn ourselves toward Rosh Hashanah.
More details below.
Elul Journaling Workshop & Potluck Lunch
Saturday, September 7th | 12:00-2:00pm | Solon backyard (non-members, please register here for address) | Adult Oriented but all welcome!
Elul is a time for contemplation — a month-long opportunity to process the closing of another year. Join us as we enter Elul and explore the ways our tradition and others have employed journaling as a tool to reflect on the year we’re leaving behind and imagine the future we might create. Feel free to bring your own journal or create one at the workshop with supplies provided. Led by Jennie Rosenstiel.
This workshop is oriented toward adults, and littles are welcome to create journals or to play with activities we’ll have available.
– We will be in the backyard in a grassy area, weather permitting (we will head indoors if needed)
– There are 4 steps into the house
– The bathroom is on the first floor
– A cat lives in the house
We will enjoy a potluck lunch during the workshop. CJC will provide challah and grape juice. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share.
Some people in our community are Gluten Free, Dairy Free, or allergic to nuts – please keep these dietary needs in mind as you decide what to bring, so that everyone has at least one thing they can eat. Please list ingredients so that people know what they are able to eat.
Elul Song Circle
Thursday, September 12th | 7:30-9:00pm | Tremont home (non-members, please register here for address) | Adult Oriented
Join us for an evening of song, as we learn some of the melodies we’ll be singing during the High Holidays. This is a great way to orient your body and soul toward this time of year, while becoming more familiar with some of the prayers and melodies we’ll be singing on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
– There are 5 steps to get inside the house
– The bathroom is on the second floor
– This is a pet free home
Drawing from the Wellsprings of Liberation
Elul Learning: Resourcing Ourselves for 5785
Saturday, September 14th | 2:00-4:00pm | Lincoln Park, Tremont (map) | Adult oriented but all welcome!
Isaiah 12:3 teaches: “From the wellsprings of liberation, shall we draw water in celebration.” 5784 has been a rough year for so many of us for so many reasons, and we are feeling dried up. From where do we find the wellsprings that will nourish us?
Elul and the High Holidays give us a chance to take stock of our lives and the world, and reorient ourselves toward greater healing and justice. Together we will explore a Talmudic teaching that roots Jewish prayer practice in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in order to reflect on our own spiritual practices (not limited to prayer). As we enter 5785, how can we each find grounding and nourishment, to help us tap into the wellsprings of liberation and resource ourselves for the year ahead?
You are welcome to bring a journal and/or art supplies for self-reflection, and writing materials will also be provided for those who want. BYO chair if you can.
We will be on a flat grassy area in the park, near the sidewalk. We will have some camping chairs available, and we invite you to bring anything that will make sitting more comfortable and accessible for you.
The learning is oriented toward adults but there is a playground nearby and we’ll have activities for littles to play with.
Monarch Butterfly Hike
Saturday, September 21st | 6:30-8:30pm | Lakefront Nature Preserve (map) | All ages welcome!
On the cusp of the new year and the edge of nightfall, join us by the lake for a dusk hike where we will hopefully see migrating monarch butterflies!
The 88 acres known as the Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve sits atop a former disposal facility for sediment and garbage dredged from the Cuyahoga River during the late 1970s clean-up efforts. Since about 1999 the facility has been left to nature to reclaim, and in 2012 the Port Authority cut trails for birding and opened it to the public. This now beautiful lakefront property hosts almost 300 species of birds throughout the year, and during fall migration it is also host to monarch butterflies. Though weather and other migrating conditions are unpredictable, we may hope to see a large group of monarchs resting after their trek from Canada across the Great Lakes before they head further south for warmth.
We will meet under the big tree by the parking lot. Laurel Simkoff will lead us on the flat 1.5 mile outer loop to see beautiful sunset lake views, and all of the diverse flora and fauna that call the lakefront home. We are excited to be returning to one of the places we hiked together early in our community history!
Please eat an early dinner or snack beforehand, and if folks want we can grab a late dinner nearby afterward.
Grappling with the Election
Monday, September 23rd | 7:00-8:30pm | Lee Rd. Library (map) | Adult oriented but all welcome!
This election the stakes are high. Many of us are having strong emotions or may feel confused about how to vote. Whether you know exactly how you plan to vote or are unsure, we invite you to come grapple with us! We will not be debating who to vote for, but will be wrestling with various frameworks for approaching voting and making that decision yourself. Led by Rabbi Miriam and Harley Rubin.
Please note – as a 501(c)3, CJC cannot endorse any particular candidate.
This session is geared toward adults. We will have a corner set up with a few games and activities for little ones to play.
Soul Candles & Selichot
Saturday, September 28th | 4:30-9:00pm – Come to part or all | Cleveland Heights (register for the precise locations) | Adult oriented
Registration deadline: Thursday, September 26th
Just a few days before Rosh Hashanah, join us for a very special afternoon and evening, as the doors of tshuvah (returning/repentance) begin to crack open. We will orient our hearts and bodies toward the Days of Awe in a few different ways.
You’re welcome to join for any or all parts. Please register below, so we can make sure to have enough food and materials. The precise locations will be sent to those who register.
4:30pm – We will begin in Lakeview Cemetery (precise location to be sent to those who register) in order to reclaim the Ashkenazi women’s folk practice of measuring wicks for soul candles. (All genders welcome!) Annabel Cohen explains, “for centuries, Jewish women in Eastern Europe measured cemeteries and graves with thread [during Elul]. They used the threads to make special neshome likht [soul candles] [for Yom Kippur].” This practice acknowledges our fragility and vulnerability, and embodies our hopes and fears for the coming year.
5:45pm – After measuring wicks, we will head to a nearby location TBD to create our candles. As we do so, we will call on our ancestors (literal and spiritual), set intentions, and invoke blessings. We’ll also have a chance to get creative, as we design and decorate our candles.
6:45pm – Vegetarian dinner provided by CJC with GF and DF options.
7:30pm – We will close with a Selichot* service, full of yearnful song and soulful prayer, as we bring ourselves into this sacred time of year. During this service, we will light our soul candles and dress the Torah in her white mantle for the High Holiday season.
*In Ashkenazi tradition, we begin saying Selichot prayers the Saturday night that is between 1/2 and 1 week before Rosh Hashanah. Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews begin this practice at the beginning of Elul.
– In the cemetery, we will be in an area where there is access both to flat grassy fields with tombstones, and to paved paths. We will mostly be standing for this portion, with a few chairs available.
– Afterward, we will be sitting in a grassy backyard that is relatively flat.
– There is a bathroom on the first floor. To get inside the house, there are a few options: 3 stairs with no railing, 5 steps with double railing, or 7 steps with 1 railing.
– This is a pet-free home.