Each year on Shavuot, we celebrate receiving the Torah at Mt Sinai. According to Midrash, every single Jewish soul was there – whether or not we were born yet, whether or not we had converted yet. We trembled at the foot of the mountain, as part of a mixed multitude committed to dreaming up a new world different than what we had left behind in slavery.

According to the Kabbalists, studying Torah on Shavuot is one way that we repair the world (Tikkun Olam).

This year, as we approach Shavuot, we know that the world is in deep need of repair and that many of us are in pain. Since October, many of us have questioned Judaism or have had our Jewishness questioned by others. And so, in honor of ourselves and in honor of Shavuot, we will take a full shabbes to be with each other, to find respite, to learn, and to recommit ourselves to the community and world we want to be part of.

Kids: We will have activities for children, and they can explore the farm.

Access: This gathering is wheelchair accessible. Please reach out to Rabbi Miriam or Laurel Simkoff with any accessibility questions.

✨✨ Join us for part or all of the day ✨✨ Everyone is welcome! ✨✨

11am – Potluck brunch*
12:30pm – Learning Session 1 – led by Louise Lakhn
1:45pm – Communal Mikveh Ritual – led by Rabbi Miriam
3:00pm – Learning Session 2 – led by Jennie Rosenstiel
4:00pm – Free Time – enjoy the garden, swim in the lake, play games, take a nap ….
7pm – Bonfire & Dinner (provided)
8pm – Singing & Havdalah

*Shavuot is a dairy holiday and it is traditional to eat lots of cheese! Please feel free to bring something dairy-full or dairy free.